Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Day 7

G'Day Mates! This afternoon my parents decided to pop around (come and visit) and I'm doing a little something called "Kangarooing." It's when I get to cozy up to a pretty sheila (my mom) skin to skin. This helps to foster a bond between my mom and I. I get to hear her heartbeat, and learn her smell. We do this for about an hour and it's very comforting and therapeutic. As if you couldn't tell from my picture, I  completely agree. Australian slang ending now...I was just thinking I was Kangarooing... Kangaroos live in Australia... might be fun to pick up some Aussie lingo... to make the blog more interesting....OK I'm done rambling. Onto things you care about. I am eating so much all of my nurses are AMAZED with my appetite. I don't know why they are so amazed. Haven't they ever heard the phrase "he's a growing boy?" If I eat like this until my teen years, my parents may need to take out a loan just to keep up with me! Since my appetite is so good, and if I keep up this kind of eating, the tube that is feeding me through my nose can come out. Even though I am eating a lot I did lose some weight. I am now 4 lbs, 7 oz.. This is not a shock to anyone. The weight that was lost was purely fluids that I have since...well to put it bluntly, peed out. As of now I don't have an ETA for the beginning of my lease with mom and dad. I'm doing so well that it maybe be sooner than anyone had expected!

Until my next baby step forward,
