Sunday, March 13, 2011

Day 4

What a weekend! I should have known getting a place downtown would be a little loud. As I tried to get my "handsome rest," the sounds of Chicago's young adults were bouncing off the buildings down Superior all day Saturday. I guess I have a good time to look forward when I am old enough to  enjoy St. Patrick's Day shenanigans in Chicago. *Note* Jersey shore reference coming up:) So, I am getting the "t" of my GTL on for are least one more day. The lights help with Jaundice and bring me back to a more pleasing color. The gym and the laundry will have to wait, because I am too busy eating! I have had 8 meals via tube  since I last wrote to you and mom is topping me off as well. With those 8 meals I have some BIG NEWS!!!! Well I suppose it's only big news to premies like myself and anyone over the age of 75...I am POOPING! This means I am digesting food the way I am supposed to. As far as these lungs of mine, I much rather prefer to not have a tube down my throat. So, I just pull it right out! Nurses say my lungs are doing great! Slowly but surely they are weaning me off the oxygen. I've got to hang out with my mom lately, who is also up and about and doing very well herself. Anyway, got to flip under this light so I don't get any diaper embarrassing!

Until my next baby step forward, 



  1. How wonderful Luca, keep up the great work!!!!
    (Jen you crack me up)

  2. We're all pulling for you out here in Colorado, Luca.
