Thursday, January 5, 2012

I'm on the MOVE!!!!

Yes, it's true. I am officially crawling!!!! I waited a bit longer then my sister, but if you were carried from one place to the next with little or no effort, wouldn't you wait too? Here are some recent pictures of me crawling and some other pictures I was just so devilishly handsome in, I had to share.

Are there even words for how CUTE I am???

Luca's First Visit with Santa

 I got to visit Santa Clause for the first time this year. As you can see I wasn't upset, but I wasn't impressed either. It was what it was...a chubby guy ( Chubbier then me...believe it or not), in a chair, saying "HO HO HO." Perhaps next year my feelings will change. I also got to go to Winter Wonderfest at Navy Pier. I was too small to ride anything but I did enjoy waving to Magda and Clara on the train ride and looking at all the decorations.